
Renewable energy, especially small-scale solar PV, is growing tremendously in the energy sector. High-gain DC-DC converters are used as front-end converters to boost PV panel voltage, whereas DC-AC converters (multilevel inverters) are utilized for freestanding AC loads or grid integration.

This research offers a nine-level quadruple boost inverter topology for small-scale solar PV applications to bypass the front-end converter and meet both goals. The proposed topology boosts voltage with switching capacitors and self-voltage balancing capacitors.

This paper describes the nine-level inverter’s functioning, voltage stress calculations, loss analysis, and circuit parameter design. The report also includes a high-gain generalized multilevel inverter (MLI) topology. Also, the suggested MLI is compared to competitive inverters from current literature.

The suggested MLI topology produces bipolar voltage inherently and has a low component count and standing voltage. MATLAB simulations and an experimental prototype validate the proposed MLI topology. Additionally, load, modulation index, and output frequency fluctuations are considered in the experimental results. The proposed 9-level inverter has 96.2% to 92.8% experimental efficiency.

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