
High-efficiency power electronic converters connect DER like solar PV to the electric grid. This equipment’s power capacity is occasionally unused; the rest can assist the distribution system. This study evaluates the three-level T-type quasi-impedance source inverter (3L-T-type qZSI)’s ability to inject active power, reactive power, and operate as an active power filter (APF) to the grid.

The instantaneous id-iq power theory is used to develop the global control strategy for grid-connected inverters. An enhanced deadbeat current controller and level-shifted carrier-based pulse-width-modulation (PWM) approach using both the upper shoot-through (UST) and lower shoot-through (LST) alternating states track current references.

By using the shoot-through (ST) and redundant states simultaneously, dc-link voltage regulation and neutral-point balancing are achieved. Simple proportional-integral (PI) controllers perform these controls. Simulation and experimental results show the grid-connected 3L-T-type qZSI’s stability and good dynamic responsiveness.

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