
Energy buffers absorb twice-line-frequency power ripple in single-phase inverters and rectifiers. Large electrolytic capacitors have traditionally solved this problem. Designers use ceramic and film capacitors with active filtering converters to reduce capacitance due to lifetime constraints and system performance needs. Active filtering converters cycle capacitor voltage over a wide voltage range while maintaining dc bus voltage.

This large-swing operation requires different capacitor qualities than most filtering applications, and commercial capacitor data sheet parameters may be ineffective or require special care to calculate efficiency and energy storage capability.

This study describes a large voltage swing capacitor performance test setup and results. Energy storage data for 50-630 V capacitors from several manufacturers is included. This paper can help power electronics designers choose and evaluate capacitors for energy buffering.

Note: Please discuss with our team before submitting this abstract to the college. This Abstract or Synopsis varies based on student project requirements.