
The use of electric vehicles (EV) is quickly expanding in comparison to the use of vehicles powered by combustion engines. This is being done in order to alleviate the strain placed on fossil fuels and to lessen the amount of pollution that is released into the environment.

Several different charging methods are being utilized in order to meet the primary problem that electric vehicle owners have. Putting together a charging infrastructure is the most challenging aspect of putting electric vehicles into operation.

In the rapidly expanding market for electric vehicles (EVs), the wireless charging system (WCS) is a popular choice. Through the utilization of inductively coupled power transfer technology, a wireless charging station (WCS) for electric vehicles is developed in this work.

The MATLAB/SIMULINK software is used to create a simulation system, and the results of the simulation are used to validate the system’s performance.

Note: Please discuss with our team before submitting this abstract to the college. This Abstract or Synopsis varies based on student project requirements.