Key Difference Between Selenium and Cucumber

Selenium is an Automation Testing Framework that tests websites or web-based application software using Java or another programming language, while Cucumber uses ‘Gherkin Language’ to test any software application.

Both Selenium and Cucumber are open-source and free, however corporations are trying to integrate Cucumber onto Selenium because of its plain-text code and Selenium’s superior performance.

Selenium vs Cucumber Comparison Table

Despite their varied uses, Selenium and Cucumber are typically used together for automated testing in BDD. A comparison table shows Selenium and Cucumber’s main differences:

PurposeBrowser automation tool for testing web applications.BDD tool that supports behavior-driven development and test automation.
Language SupportSupports multiple programming languages such as Java, Python, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript.Supports Gherkin language for writing feature files. Step definitions can be implemented in various programming languages, making it language-agnostic.
Testing ApproachPrimarily used for functional and regression testing of web applications.Focuses on behavior-driven development (BDD), allowing collaboration between developers, testers, and non-technical stakeholders.
ScriptingRequires scripting for test scenarios, and tests are written in programming languages like Java or Python.Test scenarios are written in Gherkin, a human-readable language, promoting collaboration between technical and non-technical team members.
User InteractionAutomates browser interactions, such as clicking buttons, filling forms, and navigating through web pages.Supports high-level, plain-text descriptions of software behaviors that can be easily understood by non-technical stakeholders.
IntegrationIntegrates with various testing frameworks like JUnit, TestNG, and others based on the programming language used.Integrates with Selenium for browser automation and supports various programming languages for step definitions.
Parallel ExecutionSupports parallel execution of tests on multiple browsers and platforms.Can execute scenarios in parallel, improving test execution speed. Selenium can be integrated to execute tests in parallel across multiple browsers.
ReportingProvides basic test reports through testing frameworks. Additional reporting tools like ExtentReports can be used for enhanced reporting.Generates human-readable reports that clearly document the executed scenarios, making it easy to understand the test results.
FlexibilityHighly flexible for functional and regression testing but requires detailed scripting for test scenarios.Provides flexibility for expressing requirements in a readable format but requires integration with Selenium or other automation tools for execution.
ExpressivenessTests are written in a programming language, allowing for a high level of expressiveness and complexity.Uses plain-text Gherkin syntax, promoting readability and collaboration but may have limitations in expressing complex scenarios.
Community SupportLarge and active community, with extensive resources and support.Active community support, with a focus on collaboration and sharing best practices for BDD.
Learning CurveMay have a steeper learning curve, especially for those new to programming or test automation.Generally has a lower learning curve, particularly for non-technical stakeholders writing feature files in Gherkin.
Examples– Selenium (Java): java WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
– Cucumber Feature File: gherkin Feature: Example Feature Scenario: Open the website Given I am on the homepage When I click on the login link Then I should see the login page
Selenium vs Cucumber