Key Difference Between Java 7 and Java 8

Definition of Java 7: Oracle’s first major Java version since Sun Microsystems’ merger was Java 7. The final takeover by Oracle Corporation occurred on January 27, 2010. The US tech giant celebrated Java Standard Edition 7 with an event.

Oracle’s Java SE 7 introduction showed its commitment to speech and technology. Sun Microsystems, which created Java, was a victory for IT giants. Sun Microsystems, a wholly owned subsidiary of Oracle Corporation, runs the Sun server, MySQL, Solaris storage, and network gear.

The new edition features many rapid-progressing programming advances. Java 7 had several bug improvements, increased support for dynamic non-Java languages, and generic class development interference support.

Java 7 vs Java 8 Comparison Table

The following table compares Java 7 and Java 8’s main differences:

FeatureJava 7Java 8
Release DateJuly 28, 2011March 18, 2014
Lambda ExpressionsNot supportedIntroduced lambda expressions for functional programming
Functional InterfacesNo explicit support for functional interfacesIntroduced functional interfaces with default and static methods
Streams APIAbsentIntroduced Streams API for functional-style operations on sequences of elements
Date and Time APIjava.util.Date and java.util.Calendar classes with limitationsjava.time package introduced for a comprehensive and modern Date and Time API
Default MethodsAbsentIntroduced default methods in interfaces to provide backward compatibility
Nashorn JavaScript EngineAbsentIntroduced Nashorn, a new JavaScript engine, as a replacement for Rhino
Parallel Array SortingArrays.sort() method, but no direct support for parallel sortingAdded parallel sorting support for arrays and Lists
Type AnnotationsLimited support for annotations on typesEnhanced support for repeating annotations and introduced Type Annotations
String JoinerAbsentIntroduced java.util.StringJoiner for joining strings with a delimiter
try-with-resourcesIntroduced try-with-resources statement for automatic resource managementContinued support for try-with-resources with enhancements
Project CoinIntroduced small language enhancements (diamond operator, strings in switch, etc.)Continued support for Project Coin enhancements and introduced new language features
Concurrency Enhancementsjava.util.concurrent package enhancementsEnhanced CompletableFuture, new Date and Time API improves concurrency support
Security EnhancementsLimited security enhancementsIntroduced enhancements in security, including TLS 1.2 support
Performance ImprovementsSome performance improvementsImproved performance in various areas, including the Streams API
Method ReferencesAbsentIntroduced method references for more concise code
Compact ProfilesAbsentIntroduced compact profiles to reduce the footprint of the Java runtime
JVM PermGen RemovalPermGen memory space still presentRemoved PermGen space and introduced Metaspace for metadata storage
Java 7 vs Java 8